6 Ways to go from the TOP bar to the BOTTOM bar

Following on from my Ways to go from UNDER the hoop to IN the hoop blog post. I thought I’d do a video that is opposite and show you ways to get from the top bar down to the bottom bar.

The Top Bar

There are so many lovely moves to do hanging from the top on the aerial hoop. Usually students don’t struggle with going up but coming back down can be hard. It’s also easy to get stuck in a rut and just drop down one way. But there are loads of different ways to get back onto the bottom bar! These are really great for putting into combinations or including in routines to make them more varied.

The Moves

Anything on the top bar of the hoop is intermediate/advanced so only try these if you’re competent on the hoop. I have included a variety of dismounts, slides and drops so I hope there’s something in here that you like!

  • Pike dismount
  • Double hocks slide
  • Single hocks slide
  • Delilah to side straddle
  • Hocks drop to front balance
  • Hocks to drape to crucifix

Let me know how you get on with these and if there are any others that you love xx